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Let's Talk about Ghosts

I've been feeling inspired recently. Maybe I'm watching too many of my stories...and by 'my stories', I mean paranormal junk television. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. My recent inspiration has driven me to start posting more about the paranormal. No longer will this intense interest of mine be neglected on this blog. I've posted about paranormal subjects in the past, but not as much as I'd like. I plan to post about various phenomena, anecdotes, possible scientific explanations, investigating, opinions of mine, etc.

For my new readers: Welcome and thanks for following! I am a paranormal investigator. I am considerably lucky to have gotten entangled with a very capable group of investigators. I've learned much from them since getting involved in 2011, and I don't plan on stopping. Despite growing up with one superstitious side of the family (maternal), I was never a wholehearted believer until I had a meaningful encounter at the age of 16. (You can find that story, "Ghostly Encounters," in the list at the bottom of this post.) 

If you are a 'skeptic' or happen to have a different opinion (or new information), tell me about it! I'll never pass up a chance to gain perspective. However, I do ask that you be constructive and not mean. (One of the problems in the paranormal community is that there is an attitude of "Skeptics VS. Believers,"
 and I find this unfortunate. Nothing is black and white, and both sides can learn from one another.)

If anyone has any suggestions for posts, questions, or stories of your own to tell, feel free to comment! It's great to get feedback from readers.

Some links to past paranormal posts:


  1. Oh yes! Please post about the paranormal! Those are my favorite stories! And maybe we can both share our love of trashy ghostly TV. XD

  2. You're an actual paranormal investigator? That's really cool!!! I've always been fascinated by stuff like that, but unfortunately I feel really weird about actually witnessing paranormal activity first hand. I grew in in a supposedly haunted house and was really paranoid about it... Ironically, I now work as an actor in a few "fun haunts" throughout the year, one of which is in an enormous, actually haunted abandoned tanning factory. I was stationed in a room which I got some bad vibes from and a few hours later learned I was only about 12 feet away from the most actively haunted area in the building... Apparently some investigators regularly do overnight stays in the place and have picked a lot of stuff up there. They let me see all the video and listen to EVPs.... I'm kind of freaked out about returning next year.

    1. I can relate to your paranoia. There's some weird things that have happened in my own house. I find my self much calmer at other locations, because I don't actually have to live there. It's really neat that you get to act at Halloween haunted houses. My group runs a house like that for charity around Halloween season, but I've never been involved with it because of school schedules.


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