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The Obituary Challenge

I've been working in The Writing Studio at Georgia State today, when a worried student came in for some assistance. She was assigned to write an obituary for her Journalism class. This obituary was to be written about the professor of her course. I'd never heard of anyone assigning something like this (probably because it's morbid), but it's very practical to learn for Journalism. From there, I had an idea. I thought what a good tag/challenge it would be for fellow bloggers to write an obituary about themselves. (not to mention a bit of morbid fun)

So, Here's the rules:
  1. Link back to whoever tagged you.
  2. Put these rules in your tag. 
  3. Write an obituary about yourself (it can be as funny or as serious as you like).
  4. Write about a paragraph or two (or more if necessary) in length.
  5. You may tag up to 10 people, and be sure to link to them.
  6. Have fun, because creative writing is one of the greatest joys in life! 
 My Obituary:
 Katie, age 18, perished on September 2nd, 2012 due to heart failure brought on by an overdose of life. She was born November 9, 1993, and is survived by her feisty calico cat, Abby, her two apathetic dogs, her endearingly sarcastic brother and father, and her mother, Lucifer. During life (and who knows, maybe even in death), Katie enjoyed making fun of Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures, and ridiculing politicians. In addition to her writing, She was known for her stubbornness and morbidity. She will be missed. If you don't miss her, she will know...and she will hunt you down with her metaphysical powers.

Please join us for Katie's funeral celebration this Sunday starting at 3:00am. There will 5 open bars, a parade, and a bonfire where we will toast marshmallows over her burning remains (providing the police don't show up by then). 

 Tagged People:
  1. AsylumAlice at Aversion to Color
  2. Twisted Princess at Darkling Dreams
  3. Cherish at Babybat's Blog 
  4. Amy at Stripy Tights and Dark Delights
  5. Katelynn at Life of a Babybat
  6. Lady Zendra at Drones and Drabbles
  7. Madame Mari Mortem
  8. SaryWalrus at The Walrus Room
  9. JulietsLace at Juliet's Lace
  10. Dani DeathBiscuit at Confessions of an Australian Goth


  1. Omfg, I actually giggle snorted at the last line. This is great. Thank you for tagging me. I will probably write this later seeing as how my imagination is far better when I am half asleep.

    1. Giggle Snort? That's awesome. ^^ I'm the same way creativity wise. Somehow, my body makes me stay up and write things when I know I need my sleep.

  2. "A bonfire where we will toast marshmallows over her burning remains" I'm still laughing! Thanks for the tag too! :)

  3. This is such a great idea! So, funny. :3

  4. Oh hell yes! I'm in this!

    I'll write a darn good one. :D

  5. Lol, despite the fact that I usually get squeamish whenever I read anything to do with 'death' this was quite amusing.

    Thanks for the tag! I'll try to write one....It probably will be lamish though. xD. But hey, it's about time I 'faced my fears' and wrote something like this.

    1. I don't think yours will be lame. Just have as much fun with it as possible! :D

  6. Thank you for sharing the obituary of our savior, Lisa. May His peace be with you and may you be the mirror that reflects His love. evertalk

  7. I really really want to do this, but to be honest I don't know how to imagine my own death lol... I can't see it being very creative on my part, hehe.

    But I promise I will do it some day some time!


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