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There is much mystery surrounding the art of dowsing. For those of you who are curious, I'm going to share what dowsing is, the uses of it, my experiences with dowsing, and possible explanations surrounding it.

Dowsing, or divining, is considered to be a form of divination in which the operator holds two L-shaped rods or a Y-shaped rod in order to locate things such as water, metals, gravesites, buried treasure, and even lost items. This method of divination has been considered useful for thousands of years. Dowsing was even condemned at one point for being "satanic," and it was strictly forbidden, especially with puritan settlers in the new world. Today, it is used by hobbyists, including myself, and even in murder investigations. If you would like to learn more about how to dowse, look here.

I bought my first pair of dowsing rods two years ago when I went on vacation to Salem, Massachusetts. I got them from a very lovely shop that I highly recommend called Hex, Old World Witchery. I remember I had looked at the copper rods for a while. I had previously been curious about them, so I decided to give them a try before I bought them (with the store manager's permission). The manager was even kind enough to help teach me how to use them and the Chrystal pendulum I bought. With a little practice, I am now fairly good at dowsing, but I am still nearly hopeless with my pendulum (although it has worked once).  I usually just dowse around my house for lost items, and they have found everything for me. Lost keys, cell phones, scraps of paper with notes, you name it. My father even had a colleague who dowses for unmarked graves on his days off. Nobody really knows exactly how it works, and it works for some better than others, but it really does work for me.

The informational sheet that came with my rods says it helps the operator "develop their psychic abilities." I believe that it is a tool that helps people access the subconscious or universal information. There are still many, unfortunately, that believe divining is the work of the devil. Some believe it subconsciously helps one access spirits that guide the user in the right direction. I've even heard that there may be scientific explanations relating to quantum physics. Watch this video; it's really interesting.
Happy dowsing!


  1. Sounds really interesting. I will have to look up more on this.

    1. If you were ever interested in trying, you can make two L-shaped rods out of wire clothing hangers.


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