"Ghost Hunting" is not only an activity, but it is also a subculture. A Subculture is defined as: "a group having social, economic, ethnic, or other traits distinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society." -Dictonary.com By definition, Ghost Hunting is classified as a subculture. It has it's own basic beliefs, celebrities, shows and movies, books and magazines, and conventions. It even has it's own set of demographics, which is mainly adult white males. This subculture is also part of a larger paranormal community. Not all people into the Paranormal are ghost hunters, but every investigator I know of is into the Paranormal. Investigators and paranormal enthusiasts have a wide range of beliefs, but with the uniting belief that there is something else out there. This could be cryptozoology, UFO's, Ghosts, elementals, etc. source...
I really like Miserylab and found Roman Rain extremely interesting (I'll probably end up listening to more of them) Hearing Plastique Noir again reminds me why I need to continue going through their music :3