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Liebster Award

I was nominated for this award by Katelynn at The Life of a Babybat. Thanks, Katelynn!
The Rules:

  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
  • Create 11 questions the tagger has set for you.
  • Choose 11 people and link back to them.
  • No tag backs.
11 Things About Me:
  1. I scored as an INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging) on the Jung & Briggs Myers personality test with 100% introverted. 
  2. I have many nick names for my cat, Abby. these include Sagabelly, Puff, Pumpkin, Muffin, Turkey, etc..
  3. I want to start youtubing. Right now, I only have up 3 videos.
  4. I started ghost hunting for a school project, and I enjoyed it enough to continue.
  5. My brother is moving to Seoul, South Korea for a year in August to teach english. I'm planning on visiting him over Christmas break.
  6. One day, I want to live in New Orleans.
  7. I like wearing white, and I plan on getting more white pieces in my wardrobe (and eventually white or silver hair).
  8. Writing is my true passion, and I know I have what it takes to make it in the business.
  9. I speak Spanish, not fluently, but enough to survive in a Spanish-speaking country.
  10. I love archaeology, ancient history, human Geography, and the like. 
  11. You don't have to be an expert to enjoy literature, but I don't think one can truly appreciate literature without being able to analyze it and understand how and why the literary devices were employed in the piece. (especially with poetry)
Questions I Was Asked: 
  1. Favorite movie? Bram Stoker's Dracula and V for Vendetta are the first ones that come to mind.
  2. Are you on Tumblr? No, I don't have a Tumblr. Sorry. 
  3. Cats or Dogs? I'm a cat person through and through.
  4. Do you find bats cute? Of course. What's not cute about flying mammals? I especially like flying foxes.
  5. Favorite cosmetics brand? I swear by my MAC eyeliner.
  6. A word you use way too often. Cat
  7. Favorite season? Definitely Fall. It's got such an ethereal atmosphere, and it's the perfect time for bonfires and hot drinks. 
  8. Favorite non Goth Band? Depeche Mode.
  9. Current celebrity crush? It was Gary Oldman for the longest time. Lately, I've been growing fond of Alexander Skarsgaard as Eric from TrueBlood.
  10. Biggest Fear? Having lived an unfulfilled life. 
  11. Favorite author? Anne Rice, but I also really like Flannery O'Connor.
People Tagged 
  1. Favorite Poet?
  2. Do you have any hidden talents?
  3. What is your number 1 material desire at the moment?
  4. Do you have or want body mods?
  5. Do you believe in ghosts?
  6. Favorite book?
  7. Favorite type of food?
  8. Favorite band or musician?
  9. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  10. Favorite song at the moment?
  11. What's your favorite hair style?


  1. Uh oh...I just tagged you for this again! XD

  2. I feel so idiotic, because I forgot to post questions of my own. I had them on paper, but I just didn't type them out here...To anyone who hasn't done this yet, I'll go back and edit it.


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