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Halloween Tag!

It's certainly been a while since I've posted anything worth reading on here, hasn't it? Even though it is midterm time at my university, I will do this tag. The assignment for this tag is to answer the 13 questions and tag 5 more bloggers. I'm declining to tag anyone specifically, but if you want to do the tag, feel free! Here we go!

1. Favorite Halloween song?
2. Witch or Vampire?
3. Favorite thing about Halloween?
4. Halloween party or scary movie marathon?
5. Skeletons or Zombies?
6. Favorite Halloween candy?
7. Favorite Halloween movie?
8. Favorite Halloween costume?
9. Favorite Halloween store?
10. Jack-o-lanterns, yes or no?
11. Bats or Black Cats?
12. Is Halloween your favorite holiday?
13. Pumpkin spice latte or hot chocolate?

1. Favorite Halloween Song?

I listen to a variety of music, but around Halloween, I listen to more Goth Rock than normal. Fields of the Nephilim has been playing on my stereo and in my head recently. 
There's also this song I just found which is really neat:

2. Witch or Vampire?

Vampire. Ever since I was little, vampire myths have captivated my interests. I loved watching Buffy, and when I got a little older, I read Dracula, which then led to reading some of the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles novels. I love that vampires are often misunderstood souls who are trapped, unchanged, in a rapidly changing and monstrous world. They are in the world but of another, disconnected from humanity.

3. Favorite thing about Halloween?

It would be difficult to pick a favorite thing. I love the ambiance--the falling leaves, wind, clouds, cooler weather. It's a very ethereal time in North Georgia. The obvious, of course, is the costuming. I love the creative process of building a character piece by piece and becoming that character for a night. 

4. Halloween party or scary movie marathon?

Scary movie marathon. It's nice to dress up, hand out candy, and then wind down with a drink, snacks, and a few scary movies. Although, I think my companion and I will be taking a train ride through the Blue Ridge mountains this year. 

5. Skeletons or Zombies?

Definitely skeletons! Perhaps it's because of my love of history and interest in archeology. I could also attribute it to my own creative process as a writer. When I look at a skeleton, a real skeleton, I think about the life that was once attached to that skeleton. I also have a love of Day of the Dead imagery. I feel like being a Spanish-speaker and a Catholic intensifies my connection to this time of the year. Halloween for me does not end on October 31st. Aside from being everyday according to Ministry, it also takes place during All Saints and All Souls days. 

6. Favorite Halloween Candy?

I have fond memories of dumping my pillowcase full of candy out onto the floor and scouring the pile for Reese's Cups. I still love the chocolate and peanut butter combination.

7. Favorite Halloween Movie?

Hocus Pocus. It's not Halloween without Hocus Pocus.

8. Favorite Halloween Costume?

Probably my Jareth costume, but my Day of the Dead costume is a close second.

9. Favorite Halloween store?

Goodwill and Jo-Ann Fabrics are the only things I need to work my magic. Occasionally though, I'll pop my head into one of those pop-up Halloween stores if I'm low on ideas. 

10. Jack-o-lanterns, yes or no?

Yes, definitely yes. They're frustrating to carve, but I love digging my hands into the pumpkin's gooey insides and roasting the seeds.

11. Bats or Black cats?

Black cats. I am a cat person through and through. My mother has a black cat named Zorro, and he is a big, affectionate goof-ball.  

12. Is Halloween your favorite holiday?

It had been my favorite holiday for a long time. It's still one of my favorites, but it's tied with Holy Week. It's a dream of mine to see Holy Week in Seville, Spain (and Cusco, Peru).

13. Pumpkin spice latte or hot chocolate? 

I'd say Mexican hot chocolate. There's a whole different process to making it, and it's rich and spiced!


  1. Ooooh, I'd forgotten about Mexican hot chocolate ... it's got cinnamon or something, doesn't it? Mmmmmm.

    This is a good tag - it's fun reading everyone's answers and hearing from those who've been absent a while. **coughs guiltily**

    1. Yes, it does have cinnamon! It's amazing. Thank you for commenting! I have been away for quite a while what with school and all. I've kind of fallen out of the swing of blogging, but I need to get back into the habit of it.


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