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New Haircut Once Again

There's something special about a good haircut. For me, having a fresh haircut, especially if it is an interesting style, gives me a spring in my step. I gain a little more confidence, and I get just a bit more excited about getting dressed and ready in the morning (or in many cases, afternoon). I had previously been wanting to grow out my hair after having much of it buzzed close to my scalp, so for a while, I grew it almost to my shoulders in my natural color. All the while, I craved something different. After I got tired of the color, I dyed it purple. Then, I was somewhat happy with it for a short while. Now, I am back to a short, punky haircut. I don't think I'll be cutting it anymore for the time being.

Rooster comb hair next to a rooster bell.


  1. I like it, kind of a retro 80's punk rock thingy.

    1. Thank you! That's kind of what I was going for. My mother says it reminds her of Sheena Easton.

  2. I like your hair! I want to do something else with my hair, but I think I need to grow it out a bit before it can actually be styled anymore! I like the idea of going shorter but it doesn't suit me half as well as it does you!

    1. I really like your haircut! I've always loved 20's style bobs.

  3. damn short haircuts always look good! you rock it, looks like a very fun hairstyle which can look elegant as well.

    1. Thank you! I agree that short haircuts are great.

  4. You look so cute! The short hair really fits you and your beautiful face :D

    1. That's so flattering! My mother says the same thing.


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