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Peter Murphy's Lion Tour

As soon as Lion was released in June, I went to various stores to get my hands on a copy. It was after having little luck that I turned to amazon, receiving a copy of the deluxe version in the mail (which comes with the album + a live Bauhaus set). I put the CD in my car's player and subsequently jammed out for about a week straight including on the way to an observatory trip with my lovely and handsome astronomer. With great care, Ryan had planned out our evening for when Peter Murphy was to roll up into town (7 August, 2014). I got all dolled up in a white dress, since Peter Murphy commented about no one wearing white on his Ninth tour, and I did my hair up in a braided turban wrap with a flower headband. 

Ryan took me out to dinner at a place called Bone Garden Cantina (link), which is a Day of the Dead themed restaurant filled with beautiful paintings and sculptures. Ryan had a nice looking margarita with a taco and enchilada, and I had a couple of hibiscus (flores de jamaica) tacos with horchata to drink.

The concert was held at a smaller venue that used to be a foundry on the outskirts of the city. Before the concert started, Ryan and I found the roof-deck to watch distant lightning and a very large hawk flying around the rail-yard out back (oh, how very southern Gothic). We made our way back to the stage in time to see the opening act and finally Peter Murphy.
standing behind a very tall gorey-esque type goth
I was very excited, because to me, Lion seemed to be picking up where Bauhaus left off. It was dark, hypnotic, and very dance-able. As always, witnessing music live is a completely different experience. There were moments in which the music rendered me in a trance-like state. I was dancing and bopping around most of the time, and there were plenty of others doing the same. If you haven't listened to the new album, do. Get a pair of headphones, dial up the volume, and dance or do whatever you do to your little heart's content.

Here, take a listen:


  1. I love your outfit! I always like the Ice Goth thing, anyway, I have often worn white outfits to Goth clubs! I really like the fox/wolf bag too, so cute!

    When I saw Peter Murphy a couple of years ago, my hair was long enough to braid, it's so short now, this makes me miss it!

    1. Thank you! I love having short hair even though I miss long hair too, so a happy medium I discovered was doing scarf wraps. You can do all the hair styles with a scarf that one could do with long hair. Perhaps I'll do a post about that.


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