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My Graduation Party

So I graduated High School yesterday, and I slept in really late today for the first time in a long time. Surprisingly enough, we actually arrived before our guests since graduation ended earlier than expected. We had so much food. Potato salad, pasta salad, 400 chicken nuggets, cookie cake, etc., and there is still so much of it left. I wasn't sure if I would have that good a time, but I actually did have some fun. I even got to take my aunt's convertible BMW for a spin. ^^

Here's some pictures:
I was eating, and they took the picture anyway. sigh
Two of my aunts, Debbie and Kathy.

two of my cousins, Scotti and Olivia

My grandmas

candid of the party
Me with my brother, John, and my grandma

A shot of my family

the desert table :)

John's best friend, Darrell, feeding my dog, Jack


  1. Aw, how lovely! :)

    I have a year or so yet till I graduate...and I'll be doing the GED so no goofy hats for me, just a nasty exam. :)

    1. Aw. I had plenty of nasty exams too, and I actually enjoyed the goofy hats. Hopefully you'll have a massive celebration.


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