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I've been Tagged!

Thank you, Alice, at [Alice Lost & The Monster Brigade] for tagging me! I'm glad to have another excuse to post!

  • Thank the person who tagged you for this challenge and post a link to their blog. 
  • Tag 5 blogs with less than 200 followers. 
  • Wish them to tag more bloggers to help keep this thing going! 
5 Things You Need Everyday
  1. Although I don't get one everyday, I usually need a nap everyday.
  2. I need some creative or reflective alone time in which I can read, write, and think. 
  3. I need some time to listen to music. Usually this is in the car.
  4. Breakfast! I don't do well skipping that (unless I wake up at lunch time).
  5. A little time on the internet.
5 Books You Would Recommend 
  1. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. It's a novel that deals with themes of fate, growth, and personal struggles. The characters are so real, and you won't want to stop reading once you start.
  2. The Monk by Matthew Lewis. This is an early Gothic novel that confronts religious hypocrisy and the pitfalls of pride, set during the Spanish Inquisition. It incorporates folklore as well.
  3. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. It's sort of an unconventional bildungsroman. It's exciting and tragic at the same time, and it is a shocking piece of literature to some.
  4. Dracula by Bram Stoker. It's a classic good versus evil epistolary narrative filled with folklore and vibrant characters. 
  5. The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides is an excellent contemporary novel surrounding the suicides of one family's daughters.
5 Materialistic Wishes For Christmas Presents
  1. Some more scented candles and incense.
  2. Maybe a CD or two. Astronomica from The Changelings is on my list.
  3. A Beatrix Potter story collection that I used to read as a child.
  4. A New mattress. 
  5. Perhaps a funky pair of Thai or Palazzo pants.
5 Places You Wish To Visit
  1. Peru. I've thought about doing Peace Corps here. I would love to hike the Andes, visit Machu Pichu, swim in Lake Titicaca, and experience the rich culture.
  2. London. I've been wanting to go here for a very long time. I've had a few opportunities, but they've never worked out. 
  3. Edinburgh. I would love to visit Greyfriars Cemetery and the Edinburgh vaults.
  4. Iceland. The landscape is incredibly majestic with volcanoes, glaciers, and aurora borealis.
  5. Romania. Ever since reading Dracula, this country is on my list of places. 
5 Adjectives That Describe You
  1. Ambitious
  2. Quirky
  3. Insightful
  4. Compassionate
  5. Genuine
5 Things You'd Say to People About Life
  1. Life is going to have hardship and struggles, but there is always something good to emerge from something bad.
  2. Don't place too much value on material objects. Experiences, friendships, and loved ones sweeten life and make it something worth living. 
  3. You can have an affect on every person with whom you come into contact, so make it positive. Who knows, the stranger next to you might need a smile or a simple "Hello."
  4. Live so that when people remember you after you die, they will think of you fondly. 
  5. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or what you are supposed to do. It may take some time to figure out, but you are the only one who can know these answers. Trust your intuition.
People Tagged


  1. I sense some gothy commonalities! We all need a little alone time, some music, and things that smell good. :D I really want to go to Edinburgh too! For exactly the same reasons as you. :)

    1. Although I have many darker interests, I don't consider myself to be a Goth. I think the those commonalities might hold true for many different people. They sweeten life! :)

  2. I've been lax with commenting on blogs lately haven't I? Time to remedy that ^^ I simply cannot function without breakfast or music and I'd really love to go to Iceland. We stop at the airport every time we go to Sweden and always say we need to spend a couple of days there. Of course it never happens >.< Thank you for the tag!

    1. Sweden would be a nice place to visit as well. Maybe one day, we'll both have our dreams of going to Iceland come true!

  3. I like to read about you, it was very interesting. You 5 things about life made me smile.
    I'll do this challenge on my next post as well ^^

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you find me interesting.

  4. I need to read The Monk! I have read Dracula of course, and other classic Gothic stories like The Monk and The Vampyre and The Turn of the Screw! <3

    Oooh I had that Beatrix Potter collection! <3 I used to watch a tape of them too, really adorably animated to look just like the books! It's still at my parents house if they didn't give it to anyone else.

    I need to go to London again to see Highgate! And I would definitely like to see Edinburgh too!

    1. Do read The Monk! I actually borrowed The Turn of The Screw from a friend, but I have not read it yet. I think I might have watched the Beatrix Potter tapes.


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