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Tu Blog Me Inspira Award

This award was given to me by Ray X over at Breakfast on Mars. Thanks!

For this award, I have to list five odd habits of mine. I also have to tag fifteen bloggers that inspire me.
  1. When I hear people talking, I sometimes trace out a word I hear on my hand. A lot of times I don't even notice. I think it comes from my father, because he does the same thing. 
  2. Whenever I'm tired or upset, I tend to run my fingers along my scalp. Sometimes I'll rub my forehead too. I think this stems from when  I was very little, my mom used to rub my forehead before bed. She also liked to play with my hair, but it always bothered me.
  3. When I'm thinking, I bite my lip. Sometimes I even peel some of the skin off without noticing.
  4. I frequently pop my fingers. My brother does it a lot, and he pressured me to pop my fingers as well when I was much younger. I've been doing it ever since, so hopefully it won't cause arthritis or knobby knuckles like people say. 
  5. I can't really think of a fifth one, but there was something I did when I was little. I used to bite the insides of my cheeks. So much so, they would bleed and leave scars. I finally stopped, because my dentist became concerned. I'm sure the scars are still there, but I can't really feel them like I used to (they used to be raised, and I could feel them with my tongue).
Well now that you all know entirely too much about me, I will tag ten other bloggers I know I'm supposed to tag fifteen, but I know some of you have been tagged already.:
  1. Nebel Finsternis Violet at Deus Ex Machina
  2. Twisted Princess at Darkling Dreams
  3. AsylumAlice at Aversion to Color
  4. Amy Asphodel at Bohemian Bloomers
  5. Tenebris in Lux at Never-Ending Playlist of a Psycho
  6. Katelynn at The Life of a Baby Bat
  7. Jessica at The Halloween Ladybug
  8. Lady Zendra of Noran at Drones and Drabbles
  9. Natalie at Gothy Two Shoes
  10. Nightwind at The Gothic Embrace


  1. Yay this is so cute!! Thank you so much for tagging me!

    I have to say that I also share some masochistic odd habits with you O_o

  2. Thanks for tagging me. Now i need to go think about what my habits are.

  3. Thanks for checking in to my blog and for tagging me.


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