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The Ammons' House

Swarms of flies, strange noises, shadowy figures, possessed children climbing up the walls...These all sound like elements from a horror film, but these occurrences characterize a recent paranormal case from Indiana that's been circulating through the media.

So far, this case has been well-documented with records from local police and Department of Child Services, psychological evaluations, and priest intervention. After reading one article from USA Today, I find  it compelling that a DCS report details one of the children being "lifted and thrown into the wall with nobody touching him." Despite this many written records from seemingly credible sources, there are still some loose ends.

Demon in the photo? There's an app for that.
First of all, I'm wondering why there is no video or photo documentation. In a case like this, it should have occurred to someone to document this on camera. In the reports I've read, the homeowner hired clairvoyants and requested an exorcism, but did she even consider calling the ghost busters? Paranormal investigators (the authentic ones) are trained to handle cases like this with objectivity and heavy documentation. Also, regarding the exorcism, the Catholic priest determined one son and the Ammons' residence required major exorcisms after a mere four-hour interview. This priest had never performed an exorcism, nor did the local bishop seem very confident about this situation even though he authorized it. Another important detail was a statement given by the landlord, who said there were no issues with the house before or after the family moved in. Despite all of this stacked against the validity of the case, there are still many believers, and just recently, television is getting involved.

I don't know if you've heard of a little Travel Channel show called Ghost Adventures, but ghost-bro Zak Bagans has actually purchased the Ammons' home for his latest publicity stunt. That means that very soon, we're likely to see his spray tanned face plastered on television. I can already predict how it will go: the majority of the show will be an interview and related "research." When the investigation actually begins, Bagans will yell insults and provocations. When he hears a knock, he will most likely have a freak-out. After events transpire, Bagans will be momentarily "possessed." When he pulls himself back together and the investigation ends, he will recount the event, deciding that the house is indeed the portal to Hell. Mark my words.

By the way, I'm not saying there definitely isn't something strange going on at the Ammons' house. I am saying that it's highly unlikely considering my aforementioned reservations.

If anyone's interested in checking out this case, I will link to the USA Today article and the report of Bagan's purchase of the home in question:

USA Today Article

Zak Bagan's Purchase


  1. I wonder if it is a spirit that is attached to the children, and if so if it will follow them to the next house. Or if it is all a stunt created by this man.

    1. Those are good points. If the spirit is attached to the children, I'm sure we'll be hearing about it. Also, it didn't occur to me that Bagans could have set this up to further his career.

  2. Interesting. Wich paranormal tv shows would you like to recommend as professional?
    We have a tv show that is called "The unknown" (translated from Swedish "Det okända"). Were people can ask for help by a medium about their hauntings. First an interview at the location and those who lives there and about their experiences. Later, the medium arrives without any information about the location and the hauntings. The medium walk around and tell what they see and if it's any spirits who is trapped, it get's help to move on (to the light). Nothing spectacular happens during the show. These mediums are very negative to paranormal investigations and says it's respectless behaviour to the dead. What do you think about that? Is it some competition going on?
    In American paranormal shows, when someone get scratched it's always called evil and demonish or something. In this particular show it's often a spirit who want's attention, I have never heard about demonical hauntings in the Swedish show. Does that have something to do about religious beleives? Were not catholics in Sweden and not many religious christians either, but many who beleives that ghosts exist.

    1. Most of the paranormal investigation shows are questionable. Ghost Hunters, the originals, are probably the most reputable of the ones I've seen. That being said, anything on television can't be taken at face value since they're all designed with ratings in mind.

      Many mediums are negative to paranormal investigators and vice versa, That's because many investigators are insensitive and are only focused on stirring up activity, which means bullying these spirits (shouting, name calling, threatening, etc.) It's sad, but true. Many investigators also distrust mediums, because their information could be unreliable (they don't use the scientific method), and there are many corrupt "mediums" who do it for money. Many mediums or sensitives do work with investigating teams. They can help when determining a good place to start. Their senses can also validate the findings of groups. Mediums findings should not be used as evidence, though, because their findings aren't scientifically based.

      Also, demonic cases are very rare. It's difficult to tell the difference between angry ghosts and demonic entities, but there are tell-tale signs, if you believe in that sort of thing. It's not safe to jump to conclusions. Scratching is most likely a product of a ghost who needs to be recognized for whatever reason (three scratches are thought to be a mocking of the trinity, however). In American television, demonic cases make money. They're dark and extreme, and people love the whole 'good vs. evil' archetype. I think that's why they seem so common on tv.

      Thanks for the questions! I hope I answered them sufficiently.

    2. Thanks for your good reply. I also beleive there is a bit of competition between mediums and investigators, and as you says they can't prove it scientifically. There are mediums who use cold reading as a way to find the truth, wich is very unprofessional.
      We had a visit in our house by a medium/healer, some things that she said was correct but most things were impossible to verify. She were also very whimsy and dramatic during her session and it didn't help us. We still experience odd things in our house.

    3. Oh and we are watching Ghost Hunters a lot :)

    4. I wish you good luck with the activity in your home!

  3. Doesn't really look like your typical haunted house, does it?

    You've piqued my interest, OddGhoulOut - I might have to check out Zak Bagans and his spray-tanned face. LOL

    1. It really is an entertaining show! I watch it when I want a good laugh. A lot of people see him as the face of ghost hunting, though, which is not the case. His methods have unfortunately become popular among many newer investigators.

  4. Sounds spooky! And oh my gosh Ghost :P

    1. I'm kind of looking forward to the episode actually.


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