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Showing posts from 2012

Christmas Gifts

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday (whatever holiday you do or don't celebrate). We celebrate Christmas in my household, but I wouldn't really call it celebrating...more like going through the motions. Regardless, I got some gifts I'm excited about! This is a neat little crushed velvet backpack-purse. I'll be decorating it with patches and pins in the spirit of DIY. So..many...books. I'm looking forward to reading Zak Bagans' (of Ghost Adventures) book. For any new followers, you must know that I regularly partake in making fun of this "ghost hunter." It's all in good fun. I think I'll do a post about his book when I get around to reading it.  This is such a neat little necklace. It makes me wonder how they punched the cross out of the coin...It must be Christmas Magic! ;) These lipsticks and the lip brush are Make up Forever brand from Sephora. The colors look lighter than they actually are. I tried these two colors in...

Merry Christmas

source It's Alexander Skarsgard aka Eric Northman from Trueblood. I've had quite an eventful holiday this year. There's many changes happening, so I'm pretty much just rolling with the punches. Despite my expectations, I've had a good Christmas this year. I've spent a lot of time catching up with friends, and for that I am thankful. I just got back from one of my friends' family Christmas parties. We had Chorizo and steak, we busted piñatas, and I even learned to dance the Cumbia  (although not very well) . Maybe I should've been born Mexican, because they sure know how to have fun. ;)  In the morning, we'll be opening presents. I'll make sure to do a separate post for that.  And now for something completely different...I was quite proud of this outfit, because I tied the tie all by myself like a big girl. The top says,"Buzzkill Police."  Goodnight, everyone. I have to go to sleep now since it's almost the witching ...

I'm On Tumblr

I know I'm very late in getting one, but I finally signed up for Tumblr. My page is simply titled, "Odd Ghoul Out." Here's the link if you'd like to follow . I plan on posting mainly macabre, darkly humorous, and paranormal related things here.

Styling My Short Hair

I just wanted to show everyone a few different ways I can style my hair. Many people think that short hair isn't as versatile as long hair. My cut, however, seems pretty versatile to me. I recommend this cut to anyone who's looking to going short.   If you do decide on getting a similar cut, here's some styling ideas: Of course, there's the lovely pompadour style. It's great for formal events, or when you want to add some sass to your day. I got this look by gelling the sides, and backcombing and curling back the top. Mohawk-style! I really like wearing it like this. I wore it the next day after I had it in a pompadour. All you need to do is just comb it out a little, and use some gel and hairspray.  This is my teased-up side sweep. It's similar to the pompadour style, but it's messier. I crimped some of the hair, and I brushed it over to the side.  And Last but not least, it's a piecey pixie. I really love this style. It's t...

A Haunting: Local Case

Some of you may be familiar with the television show, "A Haunting." If you aren't it's a paranormal series that incorporates interviews and re-enactments to tell a story about hauntings, possessions, and other phenomena. I've been watching this show for years, and it's always entertained me. It is often cheesy and over dramatic, but that's just a part of the show's charm. More recently, [ my paranormal investigating group ] gained a Father. He's an Orthodox priest, and his name is [ Father Darren ]. (See what I did there?) Father Darren, who's also known as Father Benedict, is experienced in the paranormal field. He's also an exorcist. He's there for us when the group or client might be suspicious of a haunting of darker nature. What does this have to do with "A Haunting," you ask? Well, Father Darren was recently featured in Episode 9 Season 5 (alongside my fellow ghost tour guide Michelle).  In the episode, Father Darre...

New Haircut

I finally got the hair I want, and I love it! I think it suits me. I'm not really sure what to call this style. What would you readers call it? Grrr  On a more random note, I recently bought these tights from Hot Topic after their Halloween items went on sale. They have stitches all the way up the leg. I think they're cute. And If you care to watch my random Shenanigans:

December Update

Hello, Everyone. I see I have some new readers since last time I've posted. Thanks for taking the time to follow! December's been pretty hectic so far. I'm finishing up with final exams actually. My last one is on Monday. It's such a relief to finally have my first semester over with. This whole semester has been pretty chaotic. I've been working so hard that I think I my [ Mono ] came back. I've also already gotten sick twice this semester with a head cold and a stomach virus. I really need to slow down on the work load, but I don't know how to say "no" to work. After my last final, I have about a month off until the next semester starts, so I'll be sure to do plenty of the things I've been planning. That list includes pleasure reading, clothing mods/alterations, more sleep, time out with friends, and blogging. I've also got another paranormal investigation this Friday, and hopefully (fingers crossed), I'll be getting my hair ...

Ready for a Hair Change

Throughout my life, I've never really done much with my hair. The most adventurous hair I've had is my current hairstyle. It's short and black, and that's not really bold at all. Although I like my current hair, I think I'm ready for a change. This is the hairstyle I've been wanting: source I'm not planning on going blonde, but I might do something with the color. I'm not sure when I will do this, but probably somewhat soon. What do you guys think?


I just recently got over a stomach virus, so today was the first day I could eat anything substantial...and I did eat a pretty substantial amount of food! I won't bore you all with the details, as I'm sure many of my readers are familiar (or at least acquainted) with this tradition. I made a video I thought I'd share with you all. It's a video I made for my brother of our pets' thanksgiving feasts. My brother, John, is teaching English in Thailand, so he isn't able to attend any of the holidays this year. This video was very special to him since he and his dog, Lucy, are very close to each other. That's my mother in the background, and I'm the lady behind the camera. The large blonde dog is Lucy, the small one is Jack, and my little cat baby is Abby. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Abandoned: Centralia, PA

On Highway 61 in Pennsylvania was a family-friendly mining borough. That was until the mine fire happened. In 1962, the town attempted to clean up a landfill by setting it on fire. That fire grew in the nearby coal mines, still burns to this very day. A lot of money was spent to help put out the fire, but nothing has been successful so far. Due to spontaneously opening sinkholes and dangerous carbon monoxide levels, Centralia was declared unsafe to live in. Today, Centralia is a Ghost town without even a postal code, and it is only home to a few.  Centralia is a stop on many people's vacations. Some have a morbid fascination with this modern day ghost town, and many make the pilgrimage as a way of paying respect to the past. It was also the inspiration for Silent Hill. You can still visit Centralia by going along Route 61 and ignoring the detour signs, but do so at your own risk. You can learn more about Centralia by visiting [this website] . source source ...

Birthday Dinner and Gifts

My family and I went out to my favorite restaurant for my birthday dinner. It's called Gumbeaux's, and it's the best Cajun place that I know of. I wanted to try frog legs, so we ordered it as an appetizer. I picked one up, and bit into it. It tasted a lot like chicken, but you could taste the lake water in some bites. When I bit into Frogger's thigh, swamp juice shot out at me. It was odd, but something I wanted to try once. I ordered my usual Jambalaya for my main meal. It was delicious as usual. I even got free bread pudding for dessert! When it came out, the waitress and customers sang "Happy Birthday" to me. froggy legs The best Jambalaya I've ever had. My lovely Grandma! Grandpa!  After we got back, I opened my presents. Finally! Skeleton-hand Hairclips. My Mom said the necklace was sacrilegious. Nuh uh, lady! Lightbulb earings! Sassy bag Psyched for Dead Poets I love this movie. It's the best b...

My Birthday!

Today (November 9th) was officially my 19th birthday! (It is also Dorian Gray's birthday.) Jessica, Justean, and I took a trip up to the beautiful Blue Ridge, Georgia to go see Frankenweenie at the Swan Drive-In Theater. This was my first time going to a drive-in. They're very rare where I live, and Swan was highly recommended by my aunt. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of my little celebration. The movie and the whole drive in experience were wonderful, and even the car ride was far from dull. Aside from the fact that I nearly got us killed on the drive up, I enjoyed being vulgar, singing badly, and laughing maniacally with my friends in the car.  Official Website The famous Blue Ridge Mountains. The beautiful Jessica I don't really know what to say...Justean's enjoying her funnel cake? Derp This is Cocoon Justean. This movie was so cute! It was pretty cold out tonight, at least to us, since we could see our breath. Taking th...

My Halloween

Halloween morning, I groggily skulked out of my bed, stepping on the cold tile of my bathroom. It was 6:30 am, and I was not ready to get up. Regardless, I sleepily prepared my hair and makeup, because I was determined to be Jareth the whole day.  To become The Goblin King, I took a trip down to Walmart where I purchased my man piece, which is a star of Labyrinth in it's own right. No bulge equals no Jareth, and I wanted to stay true to the movie. If you can imagine, it's pretty silly and a bit awkward going to store late at night to buy nothing but a fairly large groin gaurd.  The hair is also a big part of the costume. I prepared the hair using an 80's glam rock wig and a ton of got2b Schwarzkopf gel and spray.  Finally, came the make-up. I found a few tutorials on You tube that helped give me direction. I applied primer all over my eyelids and on half my eyebrows.  After that, I took a white cream shadow pencil, and I caked ...

Pumpkin Spoils

As promised, I have the goodies I made from my pumpkin. Below are the Cajun pumpkin seeds . They're really easy to prepare: Wash the pumpkin seeds in a colander, and dry them with napkins.  Prepare a baking sheet, and spray it with cooking spray (I used butter flavored). Spread out the pumpkin seeds. Cover with salt and Cajun Seasoning. Add to taste. (featured below). Put them in the oven on 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes (making sure to stir them around once or twice) These are the pre-seasoned seeds.  I am very pleased with how the pumpkin seeds turned out. Cajun spices never fail. Next, I started on the pumpkin pie.  * This is enough for two pies. Put on a large pot of water to boil. After it started boiling, Pour the pumpkin meat in and cover with a lid. After you let it boil for twenty minutes or so, drain in a colander.  Put the meat back in the pot, and start mashing (or you can put it in a blender). Add about two ...