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Showing posts from May, 2018

Experiencing Loss and Looking Eternity in the Face

Ryan's brother Owen in the hospital When someone close to you dies, it's never easy trying to recover. Even if you weren't so close with such person, you have to find a new way to live. You have to remind yourself that the person is no longer around. And that reality sometimes falls gently, while at other times it bursts in on your thoughts.  We lost Ryan's brother, Owen, over a month ago from complications with his brain tumor. The progress he made astounded his doctors. But the hemorrhage happened without warning. I've only known him for five years, and Ryan and I have lived out of state. Still, though, I would catch myself thinking, Next time we visit... But the next time we visit, he won't be there.  This experience of loss is different every time it happens. For example, when my grandmother died over four years ago, I had so much trouble coping. I tried my best to "be strong" because people told me to. But then I couldn't be s...